468 Broad St, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702

Questions? Call Us! 732-704-4420

Welcome To The Cove!

Ready. Set. Recover!

We're welcoming Monmouth County locals into our Recovery Cove which will help you...

  • Slash Your Recovery Time
  • Melt and Torch Fat
  • Hypercharge Your Metabolism
  • Increase Quality Of Sleep
  • Promote Healthy Joint Function
  • Hack Your Well-Being

Schedule Your Visit Below!

The Chilling Truth About Recovery Cove And What We Do...

From maintaining a healthy lifestyle to reaching for that next PR, or keeping your edge as a professional, your fitness plan is well understood. What about your recovery plan? A critical but often overlooked area is recovery. Without a recovery plan in place, you risk workout quality, increase frustration, and could eventually contribute to injury. We take a holistic approach to ensure you get what you need to succeed. No matter where you are on your fitness journey, we can help customize a recovery plan to complement your fitness plan. We’ve created an atmosphere geared toward all aspects of recovery both physical and mental.


Recover Better. Sleep Better. Feel Better. Wholebody cryotherapy elicits a natural nervous system response, to help alleviate inflammation and pain from head to toe while releasing endorphins to boost your energy and mood! Burn up to 800 calories in just 3 minutes while exposing your body to temperatures between -50° and -225°, based on your unique needs.


Local cryotherapy can be applied to particular parts of your body for concentrated results. The treatment only takes around 7 minutes to complete and leaves you with benefits that far exceed what traditional icing can provide. The targeted healing of local cryotherapy is so effective due to the cold air that is applied to penetrate deep into the damaged tissue to stimulate faster repair. That being said, utilizing a combination of Wholebody Cryotherapy and local cryotherapy is best to experience maximum results.


InBody composition goes beyond traditional body composition analysis, measuring fat, muscle, and total body water. Total body water data can be divided into intracellular water and extracellular water values, important for understanding a user’s fluid

distribution in medical, wellness, and fitness contexts. InBody is trusted by top hospitals, gyms, and professional sports teams because it is fast, accurate, and non-invasive. It is also the only machine that is correlated to be 98% as accurate as the DEXA (Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometer) commonly regarded as the industry’s gold standard. The average cost of a DEXA scan is $132.


The benefits of Infrared Sauna are endless. Our Sunlighten Infrared Sauna is medical grade,

providing advanced near, mid, and far-infrared technologies. It also includes Light Therapy, which provides both cosmetic and mood benefits. This includes the reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet, and age spots, and relief for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD effects individuals when the lack of sunlight results in seasonal depression.


The NormaTec synergistically combines three distinct massage techniques to speed the body’s

normal recovery process: pulsing compression, gradients, and distal release. This decreases

muscle recovery time, reduces soreness, and decreases muscle tension and inflammation. Simply put: recover faster. Currently offering 15 or 30 minute treatment for legs.

Ready To Get Started? Schedule Your Visit below To Get Started!


Ready To Get Started? Schedule Your Visit below To Get Started!


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